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Planning For & Peaking Into Your Future

Bonji Family

­­­­­­­ Bonji Hot Takes Volume 26


Welcome back to another edition of Bonji Hot Takes! Happy Thursday, we hope your week is going well and you are excited for another fast-approaching weekend. If you want to learn more or look back at our previous tips, head over to our website! Aside from producing the best quality, gourmet Açaí, Coconut, Pitaya, and new Mango-Pineapple smoothie bowl bases, our blog has been ranked as a top 100 restaurant blog, feel free to check it out for yourself!

___________________ Oftentimes, we fall in love with the labels and things that we've grown comfortable with. Although that isn't necessarily a bad thing, it can play a role in limiting our potential. In order to grow, we need to understand who we are today and that probably won't be that same person in the years to come.

Future Outlook - Acai Wholesale - Bonji Foods



Peaking Into Your Future Even though many would argue that labeling people isn't beneficial, it seems we all feel comfortable when we label ourselves. For example, labeling yourself an “introvert” or “extrovert” will impact how you interact with people on a daily basis. Yes, you may be happy with that situation, but it truly leaves little, if any, room for growth. Thus, instead of being married to your current self, focus on who you want to be. You can start this process by reflecting on who you were in the past, and see how much you've grown and changed. Then, start visualizing where you want to be in the future. From there, it's all about changing your behavior today in order to reflect your goals. Research has shown that our behavior is heavily dependent on our view of the future. Therefore, if you are looking toward a positive, growing future, your behavior will fall in line with those goals. Another, rather new, style of forward-thinking is design fiction. Usually, we strategize for the future by trying to identify what's going to happen based on historical data, logic, or what we feel is most likely. However, over the past seven years, The Harvard Business Review experimented with 50 executive teams to see if design fiction could hold value for businesses. Design Fiction is the theory of building a strategy around scenarios in a variety of possible futures. Instead of simply focusing on one strategy for one future, these executives would deeply hone in on a few possible futures that are beneficial to them. In turn, they then change current behaviors and craft their own future. Yes, we know, this sounds a bit wild, but it's an interesting way to develop a plan for a future that you want to build. All in all, keeping an open mind and refusing to box yourself in is an excellent way to grow as a person and a company.

"Over the past seven years in working with about 50 executive teams around the world, we’ve been experimenting with an alternative approach to strategy: design fiction. Design fiction is a technique that immerses executives and employees deeply in various possible futures, and uses artifacts such as short movies, fictitious newspaper articles, and imaginary commercials to generate transformation roadmaps. Rooted in the future but helping to act in the present, design fiction results in concrete actions taken to adjust companies’ visions, strategies, and activities to create a better future." - Harvard Business Review

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