Bonji Foods Aficionado Smart Brief: Volume 28
In a Crowded Internet Space, How Can You Stand Out?
Hi all, welcome back to the Bonji Food Aficionado Smart Brief! We hope the weekend treated you well and you are ready for a new week full of new opportunities! As a restaurant owner, you can't forget about the vast amount of customers that are searching the internet daily for food options. In fact, 75% of consumers check out a restaurant's menu online before ordering. There may be that loyal group of customers who are going to come in regardless of your online presence, however, to keep new customers coming, it is key to remain consistent online. We want to help you cover a wide area online, so here are a few tips in each “realm” of the internet landscape.
Tips To Help You Stand Out On Google 1. Make Your Menu Readily Available
Submit your menu to third-party sites (Allmenus, Doordash, etc.)
Mobile friendly - both on your website and any third party services
Keep it up-to date (nothing is worse trying to order something that isn't available)
2. Incorporate Menu Psychology
Best Sellers / Most Expensive items should be near the top
Use relative pricing technique - lower cost items next to expensive
Don't be afraid of color
3. Work on SEO
Large topic to cover, but this involves improving your google result ranking
Create backlinks
Hammer home at a keyword on your website
Tips To Help You Stand Out On Social Media 1. Do Research
Research competitors or people with a similar business, you can only learn from observing others
SEE WHAT WORKS! Throw what you make online and then analyze what gets the most attention
2. Engage!
Like and comment on posts within your “community”
The more you interact with followers, the more they will back
Be Yourself! Let your true identity shine, it's most attractive when you are authentic
3. Be Consistent
Keep a steady flow of content coming, not only is it enjoyable for your audience, but it also helps most algorithms (Don't overdo it though!)