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The Most Important Factor Leading To Success: People

Bonji Family

Bonji Hot Takes: Volume 11


The Importance of a Good Team


Hi all, welcome back to Bonji Hot Takes, where we address some of the opinions and knowledge that we've picked up along our journey in the industry. We are here to offer assistance, stories, and hopefully some value! Today, we want to talk about the hands-down, most important factor leading to success: people.



Having a good team around you is one of the most important factors in your business's success. Although it's a crucial component, building a strong team isn't as easy as it seems. At Bonji, it took a while to bring in the right people, and also assign the right roles to stay organized while working together. This is where specialization and mutual respect come into play. The power of the team stems from individuals specialized skills working together as a collective. However, assigning someone a role should come with the idea that they will still be working with others. For instance, the marketing head and sales head should focus on their respective tasks, but if they are not communicating there will inevitably be problems. Of course, marketing and sales generally work hand-in-hand, but this concept applies to all factions of your company. Without mutual respect, communication will falter and ultimately break your team down. Now specialization is key, but having a strong team will allow for some flexibility as well. For us, each team member has their main role, yet are all willing to go the extra mile and help in other areas as well. If our delivery manager has an idea or spare time, he won't hesitate to reach out to the team or the marketing manager with his plans. On the other hand, our marketing manager will help make deliveries when needed. All of this promotes growth because the team has a mutual understanding of our goals and opportunities. Not only does proper teamwork help grow your business, but also it creates a healthy work environment. When everyone is on the same page and working together, the workplace becomes fun. Naturally, when people are enjoying what they are doing, they are more productive and willing to put in the effort. Although it can be difficult to find key players, look within your organization already. Maybe that cashier you've had for five years is ready and motivated to take on a bigger role.

Team Building - Bonji Foods Acai Wholesale



Final Thoughts: Overall, there is nothing more beneficial to your business than people. Customers, employees, partners, your team… everything comes down to people. Finding the right people to help you grow isn't always an easy task, but once you do and apply the right concepts, the only thing stopping you is yourself.

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200 Egel Ave, Middlesex, NJ 08846

Acai Wholesale Manufacturer For Restaurants, Juice Bars, Cafes, and More.

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